Croda Inc will present a Trends-Forward Educational E-seminar Series in Fall 2013

Written on: August 26, 2013 by SprayTM

Croda Inc. announced that its upcoming Fall personal care e-seminar series will unveil a new format for the season, connecting its events within the framework of the future trends identified in the first event.  On September 12, Croda’s trends expert, Christophe Toumit, will kick off the 4-event series with “Understanding the Multi-Faceted Woman,” a presentation exploring three new beauty trends that are shaping the personal care market.  This forward-facing trends presentation will set the framework for three subsequent events focusing on the multi-faceted woman and her position in the personal care market.

On October 2, Croda’s skin care experts will share a detailed overview of the differences among various skin types and their respective needs in “Skin Diversity Explained.”  Later in the month (Oct 23), the topic of natural actives will be applied to personal care needs on a multi-generational level in “Super Naturals: Addressing Cross-Generational Beauty Needs.”

Closing out the fall program, “Novel Conditioning: Opportunities for the Modern Woman” (Nov 6) will delve into the innumerable functions, applications and formats for hair conditioning for an entire spectrum of hair needs.

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