BAMA survey indicates 92% aerosol approval in UK

Written on: August 3, 2015 by SprayTM

The vast majority of consumers (92%)  say they buy or use aerosols, new research for the British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association (BAMA) shows.

The research among 2,000 UK adults was conducted by Populus for BAMA and asked those nine out of 10 people who do buy or use aerosols what it was they liked.

The benefits of aerosols will be of interest to brand owners, retailers and packaging designers in making their decision about incorporating aerosols into their product range. Of those questioned

92% agreed aerosols were easy to use;

86% said they are easy to direct just where you want the product to go;

80% thought they were airtight, clean and hygienic;

79% thought they were efficient;

78% agreed they make no mess or spills; and

75% liked the fact that they are sealed so cannot be contaminated.

Of those who buy or use aerosols, when asked what they do with empty containers, 70% recycle: 61% recycle at the kerbside with household recycling; and 9% take their empty aerosols to a can bank.

When asked what kind of aerosols people recycle, deodorants / antiperspirants unsurprisingly come out top with 85% of recyclers citing these products. Air fresheners are also sustainably handled after use by households that recycle, with 72% in this category saying they include empty aerosol air fresheners in their household recycling.

Asked about recycling patterns there were distinctions across the UK as to which areas are best at including empty aerosols as part of their household recycling. The top cities for recycling were Hull (78%), Cardiff (73%), Manchester (71%) and Birmingham (69%).

BAMA represents the entire aerosol supply chain and has over 80 members.