Xavier Camidebach new Director of French Aerosol Committee

Written on: January 22, 2016 by SprayTM

Thank you Henri-Marc, Welcome Xavier,
After almost 12 years fully dedicated to the aerosol industry as the Director  of our association, Henri-Marc de Montalembert is going to leave the French Aerosols Committee (Comité Français des Aérosols or CFA) on March 1st for a retirement fully deserved. He joined the CFA in 2004, following a long industrial and international experience at L’Oréal.
I would like to warmly thank Henri-Marc for his personal commitment, which led him to strengthen a recognized expertise and allowed our profession to progress thanks to the outcome of numerous projects connected to the safety (Directive Seveso, high expansion foam) and the environmental protection (recycling, material-vigilance). With his advice and his actions, Henri-Marc defended regulatory evolutions (compressed gas, water bath, plastic aerosol) that allowed the aerosol industry in France as well as in Europe to stay in charge, agile and innovative.
To succeed him, with the consent of the CFA’ s Comex, we have the pleasure to entrust the pursuit of this mission to Xavier Camidebach. Xavier knows very well our industry, having held various positions for 13 years in marketing and sales with one of our historical members, Precision Valve.
Vice President of the CFA since 2004, he knows the challenges of our industry and has greatly contributed to its reputation, especially as a contributor to the creation and deployment of Aerosol & Dispensing Forum as a leading international event of the profession. We rely on the dynamism and creativity of Xavier to continue the work for the benefit of both aerosol’s industry and users.

 Gilles Baudin, CFA President
CFA General Meeting
The CFA General Assembly will take place on wednesday February 3rd from 5:30 PM till 7:00PM in the Aerosol & Dispensing Forum at the Espace Champerret, Paris, France