Rosenberg to retire from ACI

Written on: June 1, 2016 by SprayTM

Ernie Rosenberg, who has led the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) since 1999, has announced he will step down as the association’s President & CEO once a successor has been named and a smooth transition executed, but no later than February 2018.

“I have had the honor of leading ACI for more than 16 years. I will be ready to pass on the mantle of leadership of the premier trade association for the cleaning products industry,” said Rosenberg.

The ACI Board of Directors is already working on plans to choose Rosenberg’s successor.

“I want to extend my appreciation to the leadership of ACI’s Board for allowing time for a thoughtful search for ACI’s next president and to allow for a smooth transition,” added Rosenberg.

“Please know that the outstanding work carried out on a daily basis by the ACI staff will continue unimpeded. ACI will remain the best forum for business interaction, research, education, outreach and science-based advocacy for the cleaning product supply chain.”

“In Ernie’s 16 years at the helm, ACI has become a nationally and internationally known and respected association, and the leading cleaning products association, admired for its work, its expertise and its staff,” said ACI Board Chair Tom O’Brien, Senior VP, Performance Chemicals, Sasol.

“Ernie positively impacted our association as well as our industry at large, enhancing our industry reputation while making ACI the sought after partner and source of technical and product information. His experience, knowledge, and network in Washington D.C., as well as his capability of building an outstanding staff, have benefitted our association immensely and will serve us well into the future.”

The ACI Board has engaged Korn Ferry to assist with the new CEO search. Interested individuals should contact Lorraine Lavet, Korn Ferry Partner, at