Ball Aerocan India wins Asia CanTech Award

Written on: February 8, 2017 by SprayTM

 Ball Corporation recently won a 2016 Asia CanTech Award from CanTech International for its ITC Engage aluminum aerosol deodorant can. 

Ball-Engage-foursome-webThe judges were attracted to the deep body shaping, which they said is not easy to produce consistently and with precision. ITC introduced Engage deodorants in deep body-shaped aluminum aerosol cans to differentiate the brand from the competition and to position Engage deodorants as a premium product in the Indian deodorant market. Ball’s aluminum aerosol packaging was the ideal platform to convey the desired brand attributes to the consumer. 

The 53-millimeter diameter ITC Engage cans were produced in Ball Aerocan’s Ahmedabad, India facility, where an additional line will be added in the fourth quarter of 2017, according to the company. ball