SATA Spring Meeting offers Canadian & Mexican regulatory overview

Written on: February 21, 2017 by SprayTM

2017 Spring Meeting
March 16
Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center

Agenda Highlight

10:15-11:00am Canadian and Mexican Regulations Overview

Mae Hrycak, Nexreg Compliance Inc.
One of our regular features returns due to the ever-changing North American regulatory landscape, it’s an update from Mae Hrycak of Nexreg Compliance, Inc. Mae’s discussion will cover tweaks, challenges and new interpretations to GHS regulations for Mexico and Canada. Here you will find answers to the most common and frequently vexing questions relating to Safety Data Sheets (SDS), product labelling and GHS regulatory requirements.

As an Extra bonus, Mae will delve into the challenges she has encountered attempting to harmonize GHS requirements for US, Mexico and Canada. You can rest assured that Mae’s firsthand experience with these issues encountered over a broad range of products will provide you with answers to your most challenging questions. Don’t miss out!

Vist the SATA Website to view the full agenda and to register. SATA Members qualify for a discounted meeting rate so please consider becoming a SATA Member.