CARB final Consumer Products survey data now available; sets Research Seminar for April 19

Written on: April 3, 2019 by SprayTM

The California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Final 2013, 2014, and 2015 Consumer & Commercial Product Survey Data summaries and supplemental materials (Final Consumer Product Survey Data) are now available. CARB reminds interested stakeholders of its upcoming public workshop to initiate program regulatory amendments.

Final Consumer Product Survey Data

The Final Consumer Product Survey Data illustrates California consumer product sales, chemical content, and emissions over this three-year period as reported by consumer product manufacturers and formulators, reviewed by CARB and interested stakeholders, and summarized by CARB staff.  This detailed data set provides CARB the scientific foundation to identify effective control strategies for achieving the emission reductions required from consumer products, as described in the 2016 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan (2016 State Strategy).

Public Workshop to Develop Consumer Product Regulatory Amendments

The 2016 State Strategy requires CARB develop measures to reduce consumer product volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions by 1–2 tons per day (tpd) by 2023 and 4–5 tpd by 2031, respectively, in the South Coast Air Basin, and 8–10 tpd by 2031 Statewide. We encourage you to participate in CARB’s upcoming public workshop to initiate rulemaking to meet these emission reduction commitments. This public workshop should be of interest to you, as these regulatory amendments could modify existing or add new VOC content limits, modify existing regulatory exemptions, or include other regulatory changes that may require product reformulation.  

DATE:                April 12, 2019
TIME:                 9:00 a.m.
LOCATION:       California Environmental Protection Agency
                          California Air Resources Board | Byron Sher Auditorium 
                          1001 I Street Sacramento, California 95814

Interested stakeholders may also participate by webinar.


Background. The Final Consumer Product Survey Data provides the technical foundation for an updated consumer product emission inventory and development of new strategies to further reduce VOC emissions. While previous CARB surveys typically targeted a subset of consumer product categories, the 2013, 2014, and 2015 surveys include over 400 consumer and commercial product categories. In total, more than 1,500 product manufacturers and formulators participated in this effort, providing CARB with product sales and chemical formulation for over 300,000 products sold in California over a three-year period. CARB appreciates the many consumer product manufacturers and formulators who contributed to the success of these surveys by submitting detailed product sales and formulation data.

CARB said it also appreciates the many stakeholders who took the time to review the draft survey data summaries published on June 4, 2018 and December 6, 2018. This stakeholder participation has facilitated the product categorization and speciation refinements reflected in this Final Consumer Product Survey Data, including updates to the manufacturer sales and chemical speciation of windshield washer fluid (resulting in lower VOC emissions) and minor updates to other consumer product categories. CARB looks forward to working with interested stakeholders over the next few months to translate this final survey data into an updated consumer product emission inventory to be used for air quality modeling and rulemaking purposes.

For questions about the Final Consumer Products Survey Data or the upcoming public workshop, contact Mr. Joe Calavita at (916) 445-4586, or Mr. Josh Berghouse at (916) 324-8174.

Join CARB for the upcoming Research Seminar on April 19, 2019

Chemical Product Emissions Emerging as Important Urban Source of Volatile Organic Compounds

Over multiple decades volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the transportation sector have decreased by over an order of magnitude. As transportation emissions decline, other sources of urban VOCs are likely growing in relative importance. This talk focuses on emissions from the everyday use of volatile chemical products (VCPs), including personal care products, cleaning agents, inks, coatings, adhesives, and pesticides. In the Los Angeles basin, CARB estimates that VCPs now account for around half of the petrochemical VOCs emitted with potential implications for ground-level ozone and secondary organic aerosols (SOA). In this seminar, CARB will first discuss follow-up ground-based and mobile laboratory measurements made in New York City, indicating that VCPs are an important source of VOCs in other US cities. Second, CARB will discuss chemical tracers that can be used to detect with greater chemical specificity the types of chemical products emitted into the atmosphere. Lastly, CARB will discuss preliminary efforts to better understand trends of anthropogenic VOC emissions over time. 

DATE:                April 19, 2019
TIME:                 1:30 – 3:00.p.m.
LOCATION:       California Environmental Protection Agency
                          California Air Resources Board | Sierra Hearing Room, 
                          1001 I Street Sacramento, California 95814

