European steel recycling reaches record levels

Written on: June 26, 2019 by SprayTM

Recycling of steel packaging in Europe has hit an all-time high of 80.5%, according to figures issued by the Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging (APEAL).

This record rate, which represents data from 2017, indicates that the industry met and exceeded one of its key sustainability goals—an 80% recycling rate in Europe by 2020—three years ahead of schedule.

“With 100% of the separately collected steel packaging being recycled into new steel products, these figures further reinforce the fact that steel is [well placed] to reach the higher recycling targets proposed by the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive in the context of the Circular Economy package,” said Alexis Van Maercke, Secretary General of APEAL

“This is another major achievement for the industry, and sends a loud and clear message to brands, manufacturers and retailers that it is high time more emphasis was placed on this tried, tested and sustainable packaging solution.”

As well as being the most recycled primary packaging material in Europe, according to APEAL, steel is a permanent material that can be infinitely recycled without any loss of quality. Worldsteel estimates that 75% of steel products ever made are still in use today.

Recycling steel packaging helps reduce emissions and helps to save natural resources such as iron ore, coal and limestone. In addition, its portion size, versatility, long shelf-life and ambient storage qualities help reduce food waste and energy consumption.