R.A Jones’ engineering co-op and recent hire helps a veteran

Written on: August 6, 2019 by SprayTM

Noah Shaefer, a former engineering co-op and recently hired mechanical engineer at R.A Jones, attended The Quality of Life Plus Program in which students learn about helping veterans through engineering solutions. There, Shaefer met veteran Mike Donnelly, a legally blind Army veteran with impaired mobility. He had a scooter he could not use outside of his home and was unable to lift onto his truck.

Shaefer and his classmates designed a scooter rack lifting device that allows Donnelly to lift and lower the scooter rack with minimal effort. An R.A Jones’ expert machinists helped Shaefer manufacture the parts. Donnelly is no longer limited from going out in public and spending time with his grandchildren.

See the full story here.