HCPA accepting nominations for inaugural Innovation Awards

Written on: August 28, 2019 by SprayTM

In 2019, the Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA) will host the inaugural Innovation Awards to honor members of the household and commercial products industry for accomplishments in product innovation and sustainability. Recognizing these accomplishments will highlight the commitment of the industry to developing the next generation of products and encourage innovation that moves our industry forward.

Companies may submit nominations for five award categories to HCPA in the fall of 2019. Submissions will be evaluated by a committee of industry experts, and winners will be announced at XPAND, HCPA’s Annual Meeting.

Award Categories

Innovation Awards will be granted in the following five categories:

Ingredients – Submissions in this category should highlight new ingredients, chemistries or formulations that are better for human health and the environment.

Sustainability – Submissions in this category should highlight innovation in manufacturing processes, packaging, materials, and other areas that reduce or limit the product’s impact on the environment.

Consumer Communication – Submissions in this category should highlight innovative communication, labeling, advertising, and awareness campaigns that engage and educate consumers about household and commercial products in new and creative ways.

Technology – Submissions in this category should highlight technological developments, such as new software platforms, manufacturing equipment, delivery or dispensing methods, materials, or similar technological deployments that create efficiencies in the manufacturing and sale of products.

“Game-Changer” – Submissions for this general category should highlight innovative practices, processes, or products that distinguish the nominated company from others in the household and commercial products industry.

Submission Rules & Instructions

Eligibility – Companies engaged in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, distributing or marketing of household and commercial products are eligible for nomination. In addition, companies engaged in supplying ingredients, equipment, devices, containers, or other materials used in the household and commercial products industry are also eligible. Membership in HCPA is not a requirement for participation in the Innovation Awards.

Categories – A company may nominate multiple innovations, and may submit the same innovation for multiple categories.

Deadlines – All nominations must be submitted by October 1, 2019. A panel of HCPA member representatives will review the submissions and determine the award winners in each category. Members of the Innovation Awards Committee must recuse themselves from the consideration of any submissions from their own company. Award winners will be announced on Nov. 4, 2019, and presented with their awards on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2019, at the HCPA Annual Meeting in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Scope – All innovation nominations must be based on action already taken or innovations already implemented, not based on planned, anticipated, or future actions.

Confidential Information and Antitrust Policy – Nominations should not include information that is confidential, proprietary, or privileged in any way. HCPA’s Antitrust Policy applies to all activities associated with the Innovation Awards, such as nomination submission and review, and the presentations of award winners.

Nomination Form – To nominate your company’s innovation, please complete the Nomination Form and email it as an attachment to Doreen Sellmon at dsellmon@thehcpa.org by October 1, 2019. Additional supporting materials may be submitted in PDF format attached to the email. Please limit additional supporting materials to 10 pages.

This year’s Innovation Awards ceremony will be on December 8, 2019 during HCPA’s Annual Meeting, XPAND2019, at the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Award winners will also have the opportunity to present their innovations to meeting attendees at the opening night reception and ceremony. To register for XPAND2019, please visit http://events.thehcpa.org/

For more information, please contact Doreen Sellmon at dsellmon@thehcpa.org or call 202-872-8110.