WAIB invites participants to work group webinars and in-person meeting with CARB

Written on: September 5, 2019 by SprayTM

Western Aerosol Information Bureau (WAIB) invites participants to join the next round of five work group meetings with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regarding Consumer Product Regulation amendments in California.

California statute requires CARB adopt regulations to achieve the maximum feasible consumer product volatile organic compound (VOC) emission reductions as needed to meet State and Federal air quality standards (California Health & Safety Code Section 41712). This rulemaking is intended to meet this mandate by achieving additional VOC emission reductions of 1–2 tons per day in the South Coast Air Basin by 2023 and 8–10 tpd Statewide by 2031, as described in California’s 2016 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan.

At these meetings, CARB staff will solicit stakeholder feedback on draft policy and technical evaluations of key consumer product categories and topics areas. Four topic-specific meetings will be held by webinar only, while one Regulatory Definitions Work Group meeting will be held in person and by teleconference. These five meetings are open to all interested stakeholders. The dates, times, and topics for these meetings are described below.

The webinars include:

  • September 20, 2019, 10am–12pm PST: “Evaluation of Consumer Product Fragrance VOC Content and Discussion of HFC-152a Aerosol Propellant”
  • October 2, 2019, 10am–12pm PST: “Aerosol Crawling Bug Insecticide, Floor Wax Stripper, Paint Stripper, Aerosol Cooking Spray, Charcoal Lighter Material”
  • October 10, 2019, 10am–12pm PST: “Hair Finishing Spray, Dry Shampoo, Aerosol Sunscreen, Mouthwash, Personal Fragrance Products with Less Than 20% Fragrance, Antiperspirants & Deodorants”
  • October 17, 2019, 10am–12pm PST: “Air Fresheners (Single & Double Phase Aerosol, Liquid/Pump Spray), Laundry Detergent & Fabric Softener, Non-Aerosol Glass Cleaner, Hand Sanitizer”

An in-person Regulatory Definitions Work Group meeting will be:

  • October 4, 2019, 9am–12pm PST: at the California Air Resources Board Conference Room MLD South, 1927 13rd St, Sacramento, CA 95811. To call in, dial 877-402-9753 and use passcode 8553320.

For more info, call Josh Berghouse at 916-324-8174, or Joe Calavita at 916-445-4586 at WAIB.