HCPA Aerosol Products Division unveils new strategic plan

Written on: March 1, 2020 by Nicholas Georges

The Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA) Aerosol Products Division (APD) recently reorganized under a new strategic plan to better serve the entire aerosol supply chain. This realignment will allow for increased member engagement and create a path forward for future leaders of the aerosol industry. The APD now has three key priorities: advocate, communicate and connect, and three committees: Scientific, Regulatory and Membership.

By refocusing its priorities, the APD can better serve the aerosol industry while protecting the lives of the consumers and workers who use these trusted and familiar products

ADVOCATE – Create an environment that enables aerosol product innovation, promotes sound scientific reasoning and fosters competition.

COMMUNICATE – Solidify the HCPA APD as a trusted voice of the aerosol industry with policymakers, the media and the public.

CONNECT – Serve as a global forum to build relationships, share industry best practices and provide meaningful programs, events and resources that strengthen the value proposition for member companies.

The new structure, which is responsive and flexible, will help to more efficiently address developing regulatory concerns with appropriate scientific rigor as well as advance innovation and transformation within the industry. Members are encouraged to participate in any (or all) of the three new committees:

SCIENTIFIC – Develops standards and specifications, participates in relevant research efforts and engages in all aspects of current and potential aerosol product technology, ensuring that all efforts are based on scientifically sound principles for aerosol products.

REGULATORY – Develops and advances policies and stewardship that promote and protect safe and effective aerosol products.

MEMBERSHIP – Suggests, plans and executes new and innovative approaches and programming to maintain and improve membership and engagement of aerosol members within HCPA, as well as recruit new members to join the APD.

The ability to create task forces that address specific and cross-functional issues will help the APD work collaboratively with other HCPA Divisions and allied trade associations both in the U.S. and around the globe. The task forces will tackle initiatives such as recycling and waste disposal, fire codes, air quality, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), propellant safety, transportation challenges and the creation and modification of existing industry standards.

A priority of the APD is to encourage participation and help ensure that new ideas are continually at the forefront. Not only will each task force represent an opportunity for new leadership, but two-year terms will ensure the inclusion of the next generation of aerosol leaders. The benefits of participation include relationship-building, creating valuable resources for the industry, having voices heard and developing leadership skills.

Member or not, if there is an interest in becoming involved in the Aerosol Products Division, we will meet at HCPA’s Mid-Year Meeting, IMPACT2020, on April 22–24 in Washington, DC to discuss the latest innovations in the aerosol industry, aerosol product recycling, the 2019 aerosol production data, tariffs and other trade related issues, new and emerging regulations and much more. These three days of learning and networking are a great introduction to HCPA and the Aerosol Products Division. If you have any questions about the APD or HCPA membership in general, please contact me at ngeorges@thehcpa.org. SPRAY