CARB changes 3/19 public work group meeting to webinar format

Written on: March 13, 2020 by SprayTM

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is scheduled to hold a public work group meeting on March 19, 2020 to discuss potential updates to the Consumer Product Regulation and Test Method 310.  Consistent with the recommendations from the California Department of Public Health to slow the spread of COVID-19, CARB will instead hold this meeting by webinar only.  Holding the meeting by webinar is intended to allow continued stakeholder participation in our rule development process while ensuring public health protection. To register for the March 19, 2020 public webinar, please visit: .  

Handouts for this webinar will be available prior to the meeting at: .

Background.  Personal fragrance products, hair spray, cleaning products, spray paint, and insecticides are examples of common consumer products made with ozone-forming chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Although each product only contains a small amount of VOCs, Californians use over half a billion of these products every year. CARB works with industry and other stakeholders to develop requirements that achieve the maximum feasible VOC emission reduction, while making sure that the regulations are technologically and commercially feasible and do not eliminate a product form. 

The 2016 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan requires CARB to develop measures to reduce consumer product VOC emissions in the South Coast Air Basin by 1-2 tons per day (tpd) in 2023 and 4-5 tpd in 2031.  At CARB’s November 7, 2019 public workshop, staff identified draft proposals from Hair Care, Air Freshener, Personal Fragrance, Crawling Bug Insecticide, and Charcoal Lighter Material categories to meet these emission reduction commitments.  CARB staff will continue to work with public stakeholders to further refine these proposals, and bring draft proposed Consumer Product Regulation Amendments to its Board for consideration by November 2020.  For more information regarding the November 7, 2019 public workshop, and CARB’s regulatory activities, please visit: or contact Josh Berghouse at (916) 324-8174 or Mr. Joe Calavita at (916) 445-4586.

Lucina E. Negrete, Air Resources Technician II, Consumer Products Implementation Section |AQPSD

Tel. (916)322-2052