NAA offers inspirational posters for essential workers

Written on: April 24, 2020 by SprayTM

The National Aerosol Association (NAA) has designed a series of workplace posters meant to thank and inspire essential workers in the aerosol industry.

The posters are downloadable for all in the aerosol (or any) industry to print and hang in breakrooms, restrooms, offices or production floors, courtesy of the NAA.

“One of our member companies, CRC Industries, shared the idea of developing posters to thank their team members and to reinforce the essential nature of their work and we think it’s a great idea,” explained NAA President Jow Bowen.

“The NAA developed four posters [and] we encourage you to print and use them in your facilities.  The posters vary in style and messages.  We hope you find them helpful.

“As an industry, we have accomplished great things in a very short amount of time and we have so much for which to be thankful as compared to so many businesses in the United States and across the world right now,” said Bowen.

Download posters here