Webinars set to discuss CARB’s proposed amendments

Written on: June 22, 2020 by SprayTM

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites you to participate in the following public webinars to discuss proposed regulatory amendments to further reduce consumer product volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and improve Consumer Products Regulation transparency, enforceability, and effectiveness. These three public webinars are open to all interested stakeholders and will be held at the dates and times shown below. Call-in information is provided below for those unable to participate by webinar.

First Webinar: Proposed Test Method 310 Amendments and Associated Consumer Products Regulations Updates

DATE: July 2, 2020
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
CALL-IN #: (631) 992-3221
PASSCODE: 639-984-759

This webinar will include CARB discussion of proposed amendments to ‘Method 310: Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in Consumer Products and Reactive Organic Compounds (ROC) in Aerosol Coating Products’, and associated updates to the Consumer Product Regulation.

Second Webinar: Proposed Sunset of Two-Percent Fragrance Exemption, Product Label Definition Update (to Include Web-Base Claims), and Energized Electrical Cleaner Definition Amendment

DATE: July 9, 2020
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
CALL-IN #: (415) 655-0060
PASSCODE: 646-291-410

At this webinar CARB staff will describe its proposals to: 1) sunset the two-percent fragrance exemption for most regulated product categories; 2) include product claims a manufacturer makes on its internet site in the definition of a product label for product classification purposes; and 3) update the definition of Energized Electrical Cleaner to address product purchase for off-label usage and reduce emissions of air toxics.

Final Webinar: Fourth Consumer Products Regulations Amendment Public Workshop

DATE: July 28, 2020
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
CALL-IN #: (415) 655-0060
PASSCODE: 732-865-482

Staff looks forward to presenting its draft final proposed Consumer Products Regulations amendments at this public webinar, including CARB’s proposals to set or lower VOC content limits for Hair Care Products (Hair Finishing Spray, Dry Shampoo, Hair Shine, and Temporary Hair Color), Personal Fragrance Products, Manual Aerosol Air Freshener, and Aerosol Crawling Bug Insecticide, as well proposed regulatory changes to improve program implementation.

Meeting materials will be posted to our program website prior to each webinar. We look forward to responding to your questions and comments at these three meetings. CARB staff plan to bring draft proposed Consumer Products Regulations Amendments to the Board for consideration in January 2021.