CARB amendments public hearing set for March 25

Written on: February 25, 2021 by SprayTM

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) will conduct a public hearing on March 25 at 9:00 a.m. (PDT) to consider approving for adoption the proposed amendments to the Antiperspirants and Deodorants Regulation; Consumer Products Regulation; Aerosol Coating Products Regulation; Alternative Control Plan Regulation; the Tables of Maximum Incremental Reactivity Values; and Test Method 310 (Proposed Amendments). The meeting may continue at 8:30 a.m. (PDT) on March 26.

The public agenda will be posted 10 days before the CARB Meeting. If the meeting is to be held in person, it will be at the California Air Resources Board, Byron Sher Auditorium, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814.

Health and Safety Code section 41712 and CARB’s 2016 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan requires CARB to develop measures to reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from consumer products in the South Coast Air Basin by 1-2 tons per day (tpd) in 2023 and 4-5 tpd in 2031, and Statewide by 8-10 tpd Statewide in 2031. The Proposed Amendments would fulfill these emission reduction requirements, needed to help California attain federal ozone standards.

The Proposed Amendments would set or lower VOC standards for “Manual Aerosol Air Freshener,” four categories of Hair Care Product (“Hair Finishing Spray,” “Dry Shampoo,” “Hair Shine,” and “Temporary Hair Color”), “Personal Fragrance Products,” and aerosol “Crawling Bug Insecticide.” In these same categories, CARB staff is also proposing to prohibit the use of several chlorinated toxic air contaminants and the use of compounds with a global warming potential over 150.

The Proposed Amendments would also sunset a long-standing exemption for fragrance ingredients (the Two Percent Fragrance Exemption) for most consumer product categories. Additionally, the Proposed Amendments would encourage the development and sale of innovative products using compressed gas propellants, reduce excess VOC emissions from the sale of “Energized Electrical Cleaner” to automotive maintenance and repair facilities, and update other regulatory provisions in order to improve program clarity, transparency and effectiveness.

Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulatory action may be directed to the agency representative Joseph Calavita, Manager, Implementation Section, at or Josh Berghouse, Air Pollution Specialist, Implementation Section, at

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Source: Western Aerosol Information Bureau (WAIB)