ACI Spring cleaning survey reveals habits have changed

Written on: March 9, 2021 by SprayTM

There may be less “Spring cleaning” going on in 2021, but that may be due to millions of Americans being stuck at home for months during the pandemic, according to the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) latest National Cleaning Survey. The online survey was conducted by Ipsos.

Sixty-nine percent of Americans plan to do Spring cleaning this year, which is down 8% from 2019 and 2020. When asked if they were cleaning and organizing more than usual throughout the year due to COVID-19, 55% of respondents answered “yes;” 27% said their routines haven’t changed.

“Spring cleaning typically involves ‘deep cleaning’ rooms throughout your home,” said Brian Sansoni, ACI Senior VP, Communications and Outreach. “With so many people working from home during the past year, many have been ‘deep cleaning’ their homes more frequently. That can explain why less people feel the need to Spring clean in 2021.”

Thirty-seven percent of Americans said that they have more cleaning knowledge now than before the pandemic.

“That’s understandable,” Sansoni said, “given the consistent, regular information updates directed at consumers to clean, disinfect and launder as directed. Smart, targeted hygiene—using the right products in the right way for the right task—provides a safe and effective way to Spring clean your home.”

Among those who say they regularly or occasionally Spring clean, the kitchen (26%) is the biggest priority for cleaning, followed by the bathroom (19%), closets (19%), bedrooms (18%) and the family room (13%).

Fifty-four percent of Spring cleaners also say they’ll clean and organize the same amount this year, while 37% indicate they’ll clean more this go-round.

ACI offers some simple reminders to help Spring cleaning effectively and efficiently:

  • Ensure you have the products you need before you get started
  • Dust ceiling fans, clean windows, and ventilate your home by leaving the windows open for a few hours, if possible
  • Disinfect electronics such as cell phones, earphones, tablets, laptops, etc. – with products that are safe to use on those surfaces
  • Wash your pet’s bedding
  • Disinfect your appliance handles and trashcan
  • Clean your washer and dryer
  • With so many people working from home, it’s a good time to declutter your desk