Trivium Packaging boosts commitment to long-term climate change

Written on: April 6, 2021 by SprayTM

To achieve the most ambitious aims of the Paris Climate Agreement—limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050—Trivium Packaging has pledged to set science-based targets to help reach these goals in both the short-term and long-term.

This is part of a signed, official commitment with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). These reduction targets will involve Trivium’s value chain, and criteria and recommendations from the SBTi. Sustainability is an integral part of Trivium’s business, the company said.

“At Trivium, we have the opportunity and responsibility to make a positive difference in the environmental crisis facing our world today,” said Trivium Packaging CEO Michael Mapes. “Trivium has an incredible track record of developing high-quality, innovative packaging made from infinitely recyclable material and implementing sustainability practices, valuable to both our customers and the planet.”

“But the impact of global climate change is at a critical point and we must do more to continue making a meaningful difference for our planet’s future,” Mapes continued. “Together with ambitious goals, an actionable sustainability agenda and dedication from our entire team, we will work across our supply chain to make a real difference.”

Trivium recently launched a recycling program in Argentina to use post-consumer recycled (PCR) aluminum. The company has also implemented best sustainable practices which resulted in an A- CDP rating in two key categories: “Climate Change 2020” and “Water Security 2020.”

“Signing up to the Science Based Targets initiative reflects our commitment to go from ambition to impact,” said Trivium Packaging VP Sustainability Jenny Wassenaar. “Our targets will minimize emissions throughout our value chain, reduce our energy, gas and water consumption and manage our waste and VOC emissions. We will also develop eco-designed innovative products with increased recycled content, easier recyclability and reduced packaging weight.”