The FEA welcomes you…

Written on: September 1, 2021 by Urs Hauser

Virtual FEAerosol to be held this month and live in Portugal in 2022.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

While life goes on, our economy is undergoing quite a number of fundamental changes. Businesses are adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic—the way you work, your home office, how you interact— much will look different in the New Normal, whenever that actually happens.

You all have been working very hard during this pandemic, providing goods, services and products to consumers to make their lives better. It’s all about support of the aerosol industry and our motivation to provide a floor where we can connect, engage and focus on common goals. I am happy that the FEA Board has taken the decision to organize another all-virtual conference this year. We received a lot of feedback from last year’s event; participants expressed how they obtained excellent insight, knowledge and understanding of technology, regulations, trends and environmental issues. I am excited about the opportunity to hold another high quality and innovative virtual conference to reach a wider audience across the world.













Therefore, I am very pleased to invite you to Virtual FEAerosol2021 on Sept. 23 to participate in up-to-date topics within a renewed virtual conference program. I am certain all of you will find this conference stimulating, rewarding and meaningful.

The second event I am very much looking forward to is the FEAerosol2022 Global Aerosol Events in 2022. I agree, even with the most perfect eyesight, good visibility and long-term planning, this event is still a challenge for all of us. Nevertheless, I am optimistic that the Global Aerosol Events can finally be held next year as the physical meeting that you are all longing for. Lisbon in September is the perfect place for this—pleasant weather, history, ornate architecture, spectacular hilltop vistas, traditional Fado music and friendly locals. However, the best part will be to meet friends, colleagues and customers again, shake hands, chat or have a drink together.

FEA invites you to attend the FEAerosol2022, taking place at the Feira Internacional de Lisboa (FIL) in Lisbon, Portugal from Sept. 21–22. This physical trade show and conference will have free admission for visitors. Visit for more information.

As President of FEA, I am delighted to welcome you to both events. Let us all take the opportunity to network, learn, share and support each other.

I look forward seeing you.

Urs Hauser
FEA President