PRECISION offers new aerosol 3D configurator

Written on: April 20, 2022 by SprayTM

PRECISION—global manufacturer and supplier of aerosol valves, actuators and other dispensing solutions for various end-markets, such as the personal care, household, food, industrial and pharmaceutical markets—now offers an aerosol 3D configurator for visualizing new products. The tool can accelerate the time to market of new products, avoid stress and mistakes and save money, according to the company.

PRECISION offers the new powerful, fast tool free of charge, allowing customers to choose an actuator from PRECISION’s library of models, associate it with a can and apply custom graphics in just a few minutes. The visual of the new product appears in seconds and can be examined from all angles, zoomed in or out, pasted it into presentations or even inserted it into a real store shelf, thanks to a free augmented reality application. The possibilities are nearly endless, said PRECISION, as creating or comparing new aerosol concepts has never been so easy. Additionally, if  a customer’s other suppliers use the same platform, their products can also be integrated.