Written on: November 27, 2022 by SprayTM
The British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association (BAMA) held its 2022 BAMA Awards Dinner in October in Cheshire, UK. The emcee was Irish comedian Neil Delamare, who stepped in at short notice when the original emcee broke his ankle prior to the event; Delamare entertained the audience with hilarious anecdotes and a surprise aerosol-themed pop quiz.
BAMA Technical Manager Peter Watmough took to the stage to announce the Awards, as original announcer Patrick Heskins, BAMA Chief Executive, missed the event due to a bout of COVID-19. BAMA President Adrian McCretton presented the awards.
Picture by www.edwardmoss.co.uk
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BAMA Conference Cheshire
Process Safety & Training
Massilly UK won for with Needs & Expectations, which used the Manufacturing module of the BAMA Standard to inform workflow and performance monitoring on its production site. BAMA noted that it was a very organized, comprehensive, accountable system with pride of process and commitment to safety.
Picture by www.edwardmoss.co.uk
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JAGOPro won for its environment-friendly spray cap made of organic, compostable material.
Coster Vortex
The runner up was Coster’s Vortex technology, which, applied to a spray cap, overcomes recycling complications created by “mixed material.”
Picture by www.edwardmoss.co.uk
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Aerosol Packaging
DigiGrip Can from Massilly & Tinmasters won first place, with BAMA noting it was more cost-effective than embossing, extends the application of digital printing and shows how printing technology can go beyond the aesthetic.
The runner up was eCap by JagoPro, which was described as innovative, reusable, less energy-intensive than plastic and available in many colors.
New Aerosol of the Year
Coster won for CosterEco, a single-material plastic technology applied to a dispensing system that utilizes compressed air.
The runner up was Church & Dwight’s newly formulated range of dry shampoo, Batiste Naturally.
Special Recognition
Malcolm Large, Technical Manager at Lindal Group (at left). BAMA’s Heskins noted, “Malcolm Large has dispensed his technical knowledge to the world for 27 years, and he has done that with a constant smile on his face. He is one of those ‘ever present’ people in the aerosol industry. He knows how to do it right and he knows how to do it wrong (just spend an evening with him discussing his early years in the industry). His depth of knowledge in so many different areas is almost without peer, and he has been a wonderful supporter of BAMA, attending events, sitting on and chairing committees and using his broad knowledge to great effect at many of our training sessions. Congratulations from everyone at BAMA, there can be few more deserving.”
Photography: Aerosol in Action
The Aerosol in Action theme can cover any of the aspect of aerosol design, production, promotion or use. This year’s winner is an image taken by Pauline Ssenabulya, Junior Chemist at Church & Dwight. The image will be featured on the cover of next year’s BAMA Annual Report. Ssenabulya also wins a magazine subscription and yearly membership to The Guild of Photographers.
Picture by www.edwardmoss.co.uk
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BAMA Conference Cheshire