Health Canada announces the end of cosmetic animal testing in Canada

Written on: June 29, 2023 by SprayTM

Canada’s Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos, announced that the country’s Government has banned the cruel and unnecessary testing of cosmetic products on animals in Canada, representing a major step forward in supporting animal welfare by reducing the reliance on animal testing while ensuring health and safety.

With the passing of Bill C-47, Budget Implementation Act, 2023, No. 1, the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) has been amended to ban cosmetic animal testing. The new legislative changes mean that in Canada, companies will no longer be allowed to test cosmetic products on animals or sell their cosmetics that rely on animal testing data to establish safety.

The practice of testing cosmetics on animals has significantly decreased worldwide and was rarely conducted in Canada. By implementing these changes, Canada is aligning with the global shift toward ethical cosmetic testing by joining other countries, including all European Union countries, Australia, the United Kingdom and South Korea, that have already taken measures to prohibit cosmetic animal testing.

Beyond cosmetics, Health Canada is working with the international scientific and regulatory community to develop, validate and implement effective alternatives to animal testing. This includes providing continued leadership and contributions to the work of various committees and organizations, such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM).

“Protecting animals, now and in the future, is something that many Canadians have been calling for, and something we can all celebrate,” said Duclos.

“We will keep working with experts and international partners to explore safe, cruelty-free alternatives so no more animals suffer and die due to cosmetic testing,” he added.