Written on: October 3, 2023 by SprayTM
Aerosol industry veteran Daniel Patrick “Dan” Minogue passed away on Sept. 30, 2023, at the age of 87.
Minogue was born in 1936 in Bronx, NY; he grew up in Riverdale, NY and graduated from Fordham University in 1958. After graduation, he joined the U.S. Air Force, first serving in active duty followed by years in the Reserves; he was honorably discharged as Captain in 1972.
Minogue began his career at American Can Co. in sales, relocating several times, including to Atlanta, GA.
Later, Minogue served as VP & Head of Sales for Precision Valve Corp. He was an involved leader in the aerosol industry and an active aerosol advocate, often traveling to Congress to educate it on the industry and the lack of CFCs in aerosols.
Minogue was a former President of the National Aerosol Association (NAA), who said in a statement: “Dan was a leader in the industry and has made many contributions to the promotion of the aerosol package, which continue to be felt today.”
He was also Chairman of the Consumer Aerosol Products Council (CAPCO) and won the Southern Aerosol Technical Association (SATA) Founders Award in 1996.
Visitation is Oct. 5 and Minogue’s funeral is Oct. 6; both will be held in New Jersey.
Read Minogue’s complete obituary HERE.