Coster Group releases its 2022 Sustainability Report

Written on: October 30, 2023 by SprayTM

Coster Group released its 2022 Sustainability Report 2022, which follows the path of transparency and stakeholder engagement undertaken in 2017. Guided by its purpose, the company noted that it continued to pursue its goals in 2022 as well to strengthen itself in social, environmental and governance areas.

Coster adopted precise, measurable and reproducible key performance indicators (KPIs) to issue the document in compliance with the 2022 consolidate version of GRI Standards and followed the Core option.

Collaboration with suppliers, partners, and customers once again has been crucial in the company’s path of continued growth, the firm said.

The innovation and sustainability departments worked to design sustainable yet efficient solutions. In 2022, Coster obtained new certifications related to: quality management, chain of custody in terms of a mass balance approach, environmental management systems, and good manufacturing practices. The Group’s commitment to climate change continued to be consistent with several actions:

• The 83% of energy purchased in 2022 at corporate level came from renewable sources
• CO2 emissions have reduced by 80% from 2018 to 2022 (Scopes 1 and 2 market-based)
• Waste generation has decreased by 4% and waste disposal to landfill has reduced by 3% compared to
• 2,54 GWh of energy consumption has been saved thanks to the implementation of 25 energy
efficiency initiatives

Supported by the new sustainability roadmap, Coster achieved some important results in 2022, as evidenced by the Platinum Medal awarded by EcoVadis, the membership in the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the many awarded innovations.

From an ethical and social point of view, 2022 was the year of the launch of CosterCares, the program that takes care of Coster employees and local communities by leveraging cultural, educational and economic measures.

The three macro areas on which the entire program is built are:
• Employee welfare, development and retention
• Diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion
• Partnerships with local communities

Additionally, the program offers Coster Academy, volunteering and family days, well-being seminars and vocational guidance for employees’ children.

Among Coster’s strategies is also the sustainable procurement program, part of which the “Joining Forces
with Suppliers” initiative was launched in 2022 to promote collaboration and growth on corporate social
responsibility issues.

“The sustainability report is a very powerful tool to share the commitment to a solid present and a better future,” stated Andrea Raineri, Coster Chief Innovation & Sustainability Officer.

” We are a medium-sized company but our effort to ensure a safe, healthy and socially livable environment is really great,” Raineri continued.

“We can be satisfied with the results achieved and will continue to pursue our goals with dedication.”

In its roadmap for 2023-2030, the Group is committed to realize the main targets set in the corporate strategy, such as: zero waste to landfill, 100% green energy, carbon neutrality (Scopes 1-2), the deployment of the sustainable product development strategy and the full accomplishment of the CosterCares and sustainable procurement programs.