Aerosol industry veteran Tim Corcoran passes away

Written on: June 5, 2024 by SprayTM


Timothy Quinn (Tim) Corcoran passed away on May 31. 

Corcoran graduated from Arizona State University and began his career at Seaquist in the R&D department. He stayed within the packaging industry, in multiple VP roles in both Sales and Marketing, at firms such as PLZ, Precision, Conair and Accupac, before ending his professional career in 2021 as Business Development Specialist at Fruit of the Earth.

He was also a volunteer at the Crystal Lake (IL) Food Pantry and sponsored the Northern Illinois Food Bank.

“Tim was a kind, generous and caring human being,” noted the Midwest Aerosol Association (MAA) in a statement.

“He would always be available to help other people, both in his work life and personal life. Tim will be missed by our industry …”

Corcoran is survived by Sheri, his wife of 34 years, three daughters and two siblings.  

Read the complete obituary.