CIBS Welcomes 40 New Members, Awards Scholarship

Written on: April 30, 2018 by SprayTM

Cosmetic Industry Buyers and Suppliers (CIBS) inducted 40 new members at its April meeting. New CIBS members are pictured below (l-r): Row 1: Benny Calderone, Ukachi Anonyuo, Kal Kalyanasundaram; Row 2: Dan Brown, Debbie Lowe, Cristen Latonzi, Sudah Muhammud, Daryl Do, Richard Nolan, Matt Wolfe; Row 3: Oliver Blott, Christin Cupo, Amy Dolce, Armin AJ Leiberum.

CIBS also awarded the Marco Golding Scholarship to Rutgers University packaging program student Sofia Silva.

CIBS new inductees April 2018 for web