ACE states “Deodorant Challenge” contributes to growing trend of aerosol product abuse

Written on: May 22, 2018 by SprayTM

In the past year, the Alliance for Consumer Education (ACE) has witnessed an increase in Internet-fueled “challenges” involving product abuse.  Such “challenges” encourage children, teens, and even adults to put themselves and others at risk by misusing and abusing products. 

The “Deodorant Challenge,” in which children and teens injure themselves and others by holding aerosol deodorant directly onto skin for an extended duration, has recently resurfaced.  Personal deodorant aerosol sprays cool the skin and can cause frostbite and skin damage when the product is misused.

ACE is extremely concerned about the normalization of product abuse and the harm it can do to young people.  “Deodorant aerosols, like other consumer aerosol products, are safe when used properly,” ACE Executive Director Sara Stickler stated, “Parents and role models play an important role in teaching young adults to read labels and to use products correctly.”

ACE also encourages teens to encourage one another to make good choices through its campaign; Some Things Aren’t Worth the Try.  “We need peers to start alerting their friends about the dangers of product abuse,” says Stickler, “The message is more powerful when coming from a peer.”