Industry events foster supplier-manufacturer alliances

Written on: December 1, 2018 by Nicholas Georges

The questions keeping me up at night mostly revolve around how to grow the use of aerosol technology. What will be a game changer for aerosols? At what point in the creation of a product is the packaging type decision made and who makes it? How are suppliers and manufacturers working together to create new and innovative aerosol products?

FEA Global Aerosol Events, Düsseldorf. (Photo supplied by SPRAY)

FEA Global Aerosol Events, Düsseldorf. (Photo supplied by SPRAY)

Therefore, conferences and events that focus on aerosol technology and packaging are so important. They bring together those asking and answering these questions.

As a scientist, aerosol technology advocate and trade association professional, I regularly attend and present at aerosol-related conferences. In early October, I was honored to join thousands of my colleagues at the European Aerosol Federation’s (FEA) Global Aerosol Events, held in Düsseldorf, Germany, which were co-located with the International Liaison Committee (ILC) yearly meeting. There were representatives in attendance from every continent except Antarctica.[1]

Events like these act as a town hall for an industry that is as unique as it is global, helping us to learn from each other, make our voices heard, develop new projects, forge connections and show our commitment to our community of fellow professionals. Conferences, trade shows and publications such as SPRAY are also where aerosol success stories are shared, giving others involved in the product creation journey opportunities to see how aerosol technology is creating growth for brands.

The creativity of our industry was on full display in Düsseldorf, from new product launches, high-efficiency manufacturing technologies and high-definition container printing to new formulations, all-plastic valves and greener solvents. More than anything else, celebrating these success stories, frequently the result of collaborative innovation between a supplier and manufacturer, helps everyone by raising the profile of aerosol technology as a go-to solution with decision makers. Growth can come from many places, but mutually beneficial supplier-manufacturer partnerships that avoid the pitfalls of traditional R&D are one of the best approaches to ensure the continued viability of the market.

As you read this article, the leaders of the industry will be examining these same questions and making strategic plans to protect and promote aerosol technology at the HCPA Annual Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. If you were unable to attend, you can still add to the conversation by answering two questions in this quick survey—what do you think is the biggest aerosol innovation of the last five years, and secondly, where do you think the next game-changing aerosol innovation will come from? Entire new categories? New container materials? Refillables? Share your opinion here. Thank you. SPRAY

[1] Associations in attendance included AAA (Aerosol Association of Australia), AAF (Asian Aerosol Federation), ABAS (Brazilian Aerosol Association), AIAJ (Aerosol Industry Association of Japan), AMA (The Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association [ South Africa]), APC (Aerosols Promotion Council [India]), BAMA (British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association), CPF (China Packaging Federation), FEA (European Aerosol Federation), FLADA (Latin American Aerosol Federation), HCPA (Household & Commercial Products Association), IGA (Die Industrie-Gemeinschaft Aerosole e.V. [Germany]), IMAAC (Instituto Mexicano Del Aerosol A.C.), TAA (Thai Aerosol Association)