UK REACH requirements discussed at free webinar March 11

Written on: February 19, 2021 by SprayTM

To help understand the requirements for UK REACH, join the National Chemical Emergency Centre’s (NCEC) Chris Hughes, REACH expert and Principal Regulatory Consultant and Caroline Raine, chemical legislation expert and NCEC’s Associate Director of Regulatory for a complimentary webinar on March 11 at 9:00 a.m. (EST).

The webinar will discuss what an organization needs to do to comply with UK REACH, where to find the info, and how to gain continued access to the UK market. It will include:

  • Who has an obligation to register under UK REACH
  • How to benefit from transitional measures and deferred registration deadlines under UK REACH – grandfathering and downstream user import notifications (DUINs)
  • The benefits to non-UK organizations of employing an Only Representative (OR) to address UK REACH obligations on behalf of their customers
  • Outlook and next steps for UK REACH

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