Coster Group launches Sustainable Solutions web catalogue section

Written on: July 12, 2022 by SprayTM

Coster Group, a multinational supplier of spray packaging solutions and aerosol filling equipment, is basing its growth plan on sustainability and innovation, with the main ambition to provide the market with innovative and effective sustainable packaging solutions, supporting clients in driving their sustainability agendas.

The company is focusing its efforts on creating an increasingly sustainable product catalogue; in recent years Coster extended the use of PCR resins throughout its product portfolio and launched on the market many innovative technologies (such as CosterEco, GloveOn and Vortex just to name a few) awarded by the most important aerosol institutions.

This is why today Coster launches the Sustainable Solutions catalogue section; a collection of all its sustainable products developed over the years, with the aim of highlighting them and encourage customers and institutions to deep dive into the most sustainable technologies available in the catalogue.

Products are grouped by their own category: Technologies and Systems, PCR Components and Patented Concepts, for an easy and intuitive catalogue surfing and products choice.

Visit Sustainable Solutions or