Trivum Packaging releases 2022 Sustainability Report

Written on: June 5, 2023 by SprayTM

Trivium Packaging released its annual Sustainability Report showcasing the range of sustainability and community initiatives throughout the company’s global operations.

The Sustainability Report details the efforts Trivium has taken to implement sustainable practices into all links of their supply chain, from sourcing through suppliers to implementing strategies for reducing carbon emissions on Trivium’s production sites and more. The report also features the community and industry-wide efforts Trivium puts into practice to lead their communities in eco-friendly and sustainable actions.

Highlights from Trivium’s report include:

· Reducing carbon emissions from operations: In 2022, Trivium introduced various operational excellence programs aimed at reducing carbon and increasing the recycling of waste streams across their plants. These programs and others led to an overall reduction of carbon emissions by 7.3%, compared to 2021, against an original target of 4.2% and a larger target of a 15% reduction by 2025. In 2022, Trivium opened a new production facility in the Netherlands for Ausnutria products that runs on zero-emission energy sources like geothermal heating and Green electricity.

· Sustainable innovation: Trivium has received a Platinum rating from EcoVadis, a provider of business sustainability ratings, for the second year in a row. In 2022, Trivium conducted more than 60 customer innovation sessions globally, leading to more sustainable packaging. Trivium is also proud to have continued its strong tradition of award-winning technical and sustainable innovation, receiving 10 awards across a range of categories and geographies.

· Safe, engaged, and responsible workforce: Trivium recognizes that caring for our climate and people is a business imperative and that our stakeholders increasingly expect us to make meaningful efforts toward positive climate and community action.

“Sustainability is embedded into the heart of our business,” said Trivium CEO Michael Mapes.

“Not just because of our metal packaging solutions’ intrinsically infinite circularity that can protect, promote and preserve a wide range of everyday consumer products—but also because we are focused on making sustainability a foundational pillar of our ongoing business transformation by nurturing a deeply rooted sustainability mindset across all our functions, regions and sites,” Mapes continued.

This year’s Sustainability Report not only highlights the successes of the company’s broad operations but transparently acknowledges the places where improvements are still needed.

“This report is a testimonial of the progress we made in 2022, but our journey does not end here as we continuously aim to make the world a better place for generations to come,” said Jenny Wassenaar, Chief Sustainability Officer at Trivium Packaging.

“The objective of our report is not only to encourage transparency within the value chain but also to provide companies at earlier stages of ESG maturity with a best-practice governance framework on which they can build their excellence for their sustainability agenda,” she added.

To view the full report, visit