
Written on: August 1, 2012 by Ava Caridad

Rules & Regulations

School’s out for kids and they are (for the most part) enjoying their sublime reprieve from rules and restrictions, but for the rest of us, it seems as if the new rules and regulations never cease. They can seem overpowering and maddening, which can often make the average person feel powerless and overwhelmed.

To keep frustration at bay, ST&M has Doug Raymond on hand in every issue to keep us informed in his column Regulatory Issues. In addition, Dr. Mike Moffat’s column Global Regulatory Influences gives an international perspective to the complex spectrum of worldwide policies that affect our industry. This month, Moffat continues his in-depth explanations of the recent Globally Harmonized System (GHS) regulation, informally called Hazcom 2012. Raymond clues us in to the latest handed down from CARB,
SCAQMD, OTC and the EPA (unsure what these acronyms mean? Turn to p. 8).

Additionally this month, new kid on the block Steve Hunt, President of ShipMate and instructor at the U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s (DOT) Transportation Safety Institute, effectively explains DOT’s final rule, HM-215K, which includes sweeping changes in the requirements for the transport of limited and excepted quantities of hazardous materials.

Still confused? Still feeling besieged and inundated and fear you can’t comply by the necessary target dates? Don’t despair, Hunt, as well as our regular contributors, can all be contacted for more information or assistance, if needed. ST&M relies on the experts and so can you.
We hope you enjoy this issue…