Ball releases report on Eyeris printing technology

Written on: September 29, 2023 by SprayTM

Ball Corp. has released a new report on Eyeris, its proprietary enhanced printing technology for sustainable aluminum packaging.  

Eyeris uses advanced printing and imaging processes to deliver high-resolution, photo-realistic images directly onto the aluminum packaging surface. This HD imagery spans 360 degrees around the can or bottle, offering not only detail and color accuracy to visually showcase ingredients and fragrances within the product, but also providing brands a unique platform to tell their story.

Available in up to nine colors, Eyeris caters to all dimensions and forms within Ball’s portfolio of aluminum cans and impact extruded bottles for beverages, household items and personal care products.

As consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable packaging solutions for household and personal care products, “Our new report explores how Eyeris enables brands to stand out with vivid imagery, while also aligning with the sustainability attributes of aluminum—which is safe, lightweight and infinitely recyclable regardless of shape, color or format,” said Victoria Marletta, Commercial VP, Aerosol Packaging at Ball Corp.

In 2014, Ball launched lightweight aerosol aluminum cans using their proprietary alloy ReAl to reduce emissions from transportation. These aerosol cans are up to 30% lighter than standard ones, said the company, and contribute to a reduction in transportation-related emissions. 

When combined with Eyeris technology, aluminum packaging amplifies both sustainability and consumer engagement by allowing high-resolution printing directly on the package, eliminating the need for additional labels, the company said in a statement.

For more information, and to learn how Eyeris’ high-definition printing technology can enhance brand visibility, download the report HERE