SCJ donates 180k units of OFF! to Argentina to combat Dengue

Written on: May 29, 2024 by SprayTM

In the midst of a mosquito-borne Dengue outbreak in Argentina, SC Johnson (SCJ), the manufacturer of household brands such as OFF!, Fuyí and Raid, recently donated 180,000 OFF! mosquito repellents, brought from SCJ Mexico, to help protect the people of Argentina.

Together, with Cáritas Argentina,  the company is distributing the donation to underserved communities highly impacted by Dengue, starting with Tucuman, Salta, Jujuy, Santa Fe, and Santiago del Estero. Cáritas Argentina has a presence throughout the country and will be able to reach the most vulnerable areas.

“At Caritas Argentina we build alliances that allow us to continue strengthening solidarity to all territories, our reach as an organization allows us to be present throughout the country, accompanying the integral development of the most vulnerable communities,” said Sofia Zadara, Executive Director of Caritas Argentina.

“It is a great joy for us today to have a new partnership with SC Johnson to continue working with our teams to prevent further spread of dengue and continue helping the most needed communities.”

Caritas Argentina will distribute almost 100,000 units of the donation. SC Johnson is also working with several other local organizations to ensure mosquito repellent gets to hospitals and community centers as well. In addition to the recent donation, SC Johnson continues to support the Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez Children’s Hospital and civil society organizations to supply families in areas that, according to the Ministry of Health, register a higher cumulative incidence of mosquitoes.

In recent weeks, the demand for OFF! and Fuyí repellents, the leading products in Argentina’s market, has seen a peak growth of greater than 300%, said SCJ. At times during the outbreak, its plant has produced three times more than usual, with employees working around the clock. It also shipping in repellent from SCJ sites in other countries, not impacted by Dengue, for commercial use in Argentina.