SCC launches Skin Care Certificate Program

Written on: June 18, 2024 by SprayTM

The Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC) has announced its latest model of cosmetic science education: the SCC Certificate Program. The program offers deeper dives into select subject areas via curated course collections and carefully considered participant pathways through the material, utilizing a
flexible combination of in-person and online courses, hands-on laboratory work and participant testing to reinforce key concepts and retention.

“The Certificate in Skin Care is our first offering, with additional specialized areas currently under development,” said Erica O’Grady, CAE, CEO of SCC.

The Certificate in Skin Care participants must complete a total of six courses, including three required courses and three elective courses. With a focus on reinforcing the foundations of cosmetic science, participants will learn terminology, formulation techniques and anatomy of the skin before broadening their knowledge through self-selected elective courses, all of which include a testing component for concept reinforcement.

Ongoing registrations are now available for the SCC Certificate Program in Skin Care, with the courses opening on July 8. For more information, visit