Put your product front & center!

Written on: October 1, 2012 by SprayTM

Submit now for the Paris Aerosol & Dispensing Awards

The 7th edition of the Paris Aerosol & Dispensing Forum will be held Feb. 6–7, 2013 at the Espace Champerret, Porte de Champerret, Paris, France. It will be held simultaneously with Perfumes, Cosmetics & Design (PCD).

Technological innovations in aerosol and dispensing systems packaging will be rewarded during the Paris Aerosol & Dispensing Awards, designed to help promote aerosol packaged products, with prizes awarded by an independent jury of brand owners, packaging suppliers and the media. For examples of the 2012 winners, see ST&M, April 2012, p.30.

The Aerosol & Dispensing Forum is requesting submissions for the 2013 Paris Aerosol & Dispensing Awards. The contest is open to all product areas: Health & Beauty, Household, Pharmaceutical, Food, Technical, Building, Painting, Decorating, Crafts, Gardening, etc.

Dispensing ForumProducts must have been marketed between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2012 on the European market. To enter, send three product samples per entry, along with an A4 fact sheet or PPT slide including name of the product(s) and its primary innovative characteristics by Monday,
Nov. 5, 2012 to:

Oriex Communication
Mr. Jonathan Ouziel
25 rue André Joineau
93 310 Le Pré Saint-Gervais

Registration and participation in the Awards is free of charge. Awards will be presented in February at the Paris Aerosol & Dispensing Forum. Don’t miss this opportunity to have your aerosol technology or innovation internationally recognized. For more information: (+ 33) 1 48 91 89 89, jouziel@oriex.fr, www.aerosol-forum.com.