Full Moon on Earth Day!

Written on: April 21, 2016 by SprayTM

Happy Earth Day! (April 22)

 A collection of Sustainability News from our industry:

 Earth Day 2016Crown Holdings, Inc.

Crown Holdings, Inc. has published its third Sustainability Report. Titled ‘Perpetual Progress,’ the 2015 report documents Crown’s continued advancement in the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability. It also underlines Crown’s broad efforts in fiscal years 2013 and 2014 to improve its sustainability footprint, resource use and emissions per standard unit, even as the Company has seen global volume growth and expanded its geographic reach.

“Some of our greatest achievements in this reporting cycle are in the areas of waste management, coatings reduction and employee safety,” said Timothy Donahue, President and COO of Crown.

“We are committed to continuous improvement in these areas and others as we increase global production capacity and build our presence in new markets.”


Highlights of the new report include:

  • In 2014, Crown’s global businesses produced nearly 9 billion more cans than in the Company’s first initial reporting period in 2007. Despite this increased production, Crown has made tremendous strides managing its waste.
  • 37% less waste send to landfill, a reduction of over 8,000 metric tons
  • 9% more waste recycled per billion cans, an increase of nearly 39,000 metric tons
  • More than 100% more waste converted to energy, an increase of nearly 3,000 metric tons
  • Crown also used 14% less coatings since 2007, representing a reduction of nearly 9,000 metric tons.
  • The Company’s commitment to building a Total Safety Culture is working
  • There has been a 28% reduction in its days away case rate since 2007
  • Recordable injury cases have decreased by 39% since 2009
  • Crown had zero work-related fatalities during its entire reporting period (2007 – 2014).
  • Better than any other packaging format, cans preserve their contents and help products achieve long shelf lives, significantly reducing the risk of food spoiling before it is consumed.
  • If the entire fruit and vegetable supply in the United States was canned, rather than packaged for refrigeration or freezing, an estimated 7 million metric tons of food would be saved. That is equivalent to about 22 million metric tons of CO2.
  • Across the lifecycle of a product from farm to fork, including can manufacture, the overall energy used in canning is 20% less than refrigerated food and 50% less than frozen food.

The 2015 report has been structured using the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G3.1 Guidelines at Application Level C.  In 2016, Crown will participate in CDP and in 2017 theSustainability Report will be structured using the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 Guidelines.

A digital version of the 2015 Sustainability Report, published in English, can be downloaded at www.crowncork.com/sustainability. Executive summaries of the report are available on the website in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.


Ball Corp.

A few years ago, Ball Corp. launched an ambitious program, Cut/4 CArboN, with a goal to reduce the carbon footprint of its most common beverage can formats by 25% within ten years. With a 10% reduction through the end of 2014, Ball is on pace to meet the global target.

Ball’s Cut/4 CArboN target reflects a clear strategy: Cut. Conserve. Capture. The first 10% will come from efforts that are in the company’s control, such as cutting energy usage in plants and conserving resources by optimizing the weight of cans. Another 15% will come from work with industry partners to capture the valuable metal used in packaging by increasing beverage can recycling rates and reducing the energy intensity of metal production.

Numerous projects contributed to the 10% reduction since 2010. A few global examples include:

  • Improved energy efficiency by 8% per can produced global metal beverage packaging business.
  • Successfully continued to optimize the weight of cans. The launch of B-Can in Europe and the global roll-out of the CDL end are important achievements in this area.
  • The U.S. beverage can recycling rate increased from 58 to 66.5%. Ball supports this through various measures, including commitment to The Recycling Partnership.
  • While the Brazilian recycling rate for beverage cans remained exceptionally high with 98% of all cans recycled in 2014, the metal packaging recycling rates in Europe continued to rise.
  • The North American aluminum industry achieved a 19% carbon reduction per ton of aluminum produced in just five years.
  • Continuous Improvement Leads to Highest CDP Score Yet

In November, Ball received its highest score yet—98 B—from CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project). The score assesses the completeness and quality of a company’s response, and B represents the “Performance Band,” evaluating the company’s reported level of action on climate change mitigation, adaptation and transparency.

Ball has participated in CDP assessments since 2007, improving its score each year.

For more information about sustainability at Ball and the Cut/4 CArboN program, visit www.ball.com/sustainability.



PLZ Aeroscience Corp.

After the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) assessment of trichloroethylene (TCE) showed risk, the sole manufacturer of a fixative product using TCE voluntarily withdrew it from the marketplace. The TCE spray fixative product was used by artists, picture framers, graphic designers and printers to provide a water repellant and protective finish.The EPA is now taking action to ensure no other manufacturers including importers enter the marketplace before EPA has the opportunity to prohibit or limit these uses.

“EPA commends PLZ Aeroscience Corp. for removing TCE from its arts and crafts spray fixative product,” said Jim Jones, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety & Pollution Prevention. “EPA is putting into place a level playing field to ensure importers and domestic manufacturers do not re-enter the marketplace before EPA has an opportunity to review.”



Unilever has achieved its goal of sending zero non-hazardous waste to landfill across more than 600 of its global facilities located in 70 countries. The company explained that 240 of its factories had achieved zero waste to landfill status by January of 2015, and that by replicating this zero waste model in other parts of the business, nearly 400 additional sites have now eliminated waste to landfill.

Having identified the different non-hazardous waste streams in its operations, Unilever said that it has now found alternative routes for the waste from these sites, including factories, warehouses, distribution centers and offices.

According to the company, it has been achieved its target by continuing with the four “R” approach of reducing, reusing, recovering or recycling. However, it said that its priority is to continually reduce waste and embrace circular models.

As well as maintaining zero waste status at these locations, Unilever said that work continues to bring all sites in line, including all future site openings and acquisitions.

Ultimately the consumer goods giant said that it aims to achieve zero waste across the value chain and continued efforts provide a strong business case for sustainability—eliminating waste has contributed to cost-benefits of €200 million ($227.4 million) and created hundreds of jobs.

Unilever has launched a new collaboration with the value-chain platform 2degrees to help bring organizations together to leverage the zero waste model. The new collaborative program will go live in summer 2016.


SC Johnson

SC Johnson recently released its 2015 sustainability report, marking the company’s 24th year of reporting on its environmental and social efforts.

Research shows that trust in business has deteriorated, with less than half of people in many countries reporting that they trust companies to do what’s right. In this landscape, SC Johnson aims to show how it stands apart. The 2015 sustainability report shares how the company’s standards, actions, connections and legacies all demonstrate its unique family company perspective.

Among the progress SC Johnson shares in its newest report:

  • 2015 launch of product-specific ingredient disclosure in North America, making SC Johnson the first major consumer packaged goods company to offer it
  • 34%age point increase in use of Better/Best ingredients since 2001, as measured by the SC Johnson Greenlist™ process
  • 32% of energy use globally now from renewable sources
  • 50% greenhouse gas emissions reduction from SC Johnson manufacturing sites since 2000, indexed to production
  • 72% waste reduction at SC Johnson manufacturing sites since 2000, as a ratio to production
  • One-third of SC Johnson manufacturing sites now hold “zero landfill” status
  • $235 million in philanthropic contributions over the past 10 years alone


SC Johnson’s 2015 sustainability report is online now at scjohnson.com/report. Printed copies will be available, though the company is limiting its print run to minimize paper waste. For a print copy, please call 262.260.2440. Additionally, the report will be available soon online in Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.


Tom’s of Maine

Just in time for Earth Month (April), natural personal care brand Tom’s of Maine and TerraCycle are teaming up to decrease the amount of trash ending up in landfills by launching the #LessWasteChallenge. By taking the online pledge at www.tomsofmaine.com/lesswaste, you can give your support by making the commitment to reduce your family’s household waste by one pound per week.
“We launched the #LessWasteChallenge this year to remind families just how easy it is to make a difference, and to teach our children how they can impact their home, school and community with just a few simple changes,” said Susan Dewhirst, Goodness Programs Manager at Tom’s of Maine.
A recent study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that the average person generates 4.4 pounds of waste per day—more than 30 pounds per week—that can instead be composted, recycled or upcycled into other useful items for your home. The #LessWasteChallenge is designed to inspire small changes today that can make an important impact tomorrow.

Tips and DIY projects are available at www.tomsofmaine.com/lesswaste, and consumers are invited to share their own tips on social media using #LessWasteChallenge.
Tom’s of Maine has a goal of zero waste to landfills by 2020 at its manufacturing facility in Maine. As well, through its partnership with TerraCycle, the Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade enlists volunteers to collect personal care packaging from any brand, helping to keep 195,787 pounds of packaging out of landfills in 2015 alone.


Givaudan recently announced the publication of its Sustainability Report 2015, published in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 reporting guidelines.

At-a-glance 2015 highlights:

  • Improved eco-efficiency performance:
  • CO2 emissions reduced by 30.9%
  • Energy efficiency improved by 15.4%
  • Waste reduced by 42.8%
  • Water efficiency improved by 10.4%
  • 30,000 tonnes decrease in absolute scope and CO2 emissions (despite 24% higher production output)
  • Strengthened 2020 eco-efficiency targets
  • Top CDP Score of 100A
  • Continued progress in supply chain audit
  • Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil supply chain certification of European sites
  • Update on sourcing initiatives showing innovative partnering with local communities


2015 saw the culmination of a five-year strategy cycle for Givaudan, along with the introduction of a new roadmap for 2020 based on responsible growth and shared success. Sustainability is embedded in all three pillars of its 2020 strategy: growing with customers, delivering with excellence and partnering for shared success.



Firmenich announced that it has been named the “Best Supply Chain Responder” in Switzerland by the CDP out of a total of 20 Swiss companies. Formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

From 2010 to 2015, Firmenich has reported a:

  • 20,000 tonne decrease in absolute Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions;
  • 12% decrease in energy use; and a
  • 13% decrease in water use.


During the past year, Firmenich has led 57 cutting edge environmental performance improvement projects. Furthermore, in 2015, the company achieved its strategic goal to certify all 25 of its manufacturing sites in full compliance with Environmental (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health & Safety (OHSAS 18001) Management Systems Standards. Firmenich has been participating in the CDP Supply Chain Climate Change reporting program for seven years.



The Lubrizol Corp.’s Personal & Home Care business announced a new approach to sustainability. The new program known as EcHO (Ecosystem, Humanity & Opportunities) approaches sustainability from an integrated perspective, taking into consideration the environmental and societal impact of their activities.

“Sustainability has become an increasingly important aspect of what we do,” said Jeffrey Carey, Global Product Management Director for Lubrizol. “

“Lubrizol responds to social and environmental opportunities by focusing on customer and consumer definitions of sustainability and applying them in our products and services. Our initiatives reduce environmental impact and risk across the supply chain, benefiting our employees and the communities where we operate.”

The company supports and encourages open dialogue with public health workers, safety and environmental professionals, educators, elected officials and other stakeholders to address concerns, report progress, create understanding and build partnerships for the common good. To learn more about Lubrizol’s new EcHO program visit www.lubrizol.com/EcHO


Ardagh Group

Ardagh Group announced the publication of its 2015 Sustainability Report, which covers on-going initiatives from all parts of the company’s worldwide packaging operations. The Group’s aim, “to be the leading supplier of inherently sustainable packaging” is exemplified in the case studies that feature throughout the report. They include:

  • Group-wide Implementation of Environmental Control Standards
  • Proactively Reducing Waste to Landfill across several of our Facilities
  • Joint Partnership to Invest in New Glass Recycling Facility in Italy
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Team established in UK Glass Plant
  • Agreement between Local Heat Supplier and Ardagh Glass in Holmegaard, Denmark
  • Local Food Drives established in our New Metal Facilities in the US
  • Achieving Continued Success in eliminating Accidents through the Company’s Safety Program

Copies of The Report are available to download from www.ardaghgroup.com/corporate/sustainability