CPSC From A-Z…And Beyond Event in October

Written on: August 31, 2016 by SprayTM

The CPSC From A-Z… And Beyond Event will be held on October  26 at The Hilton Garden Inn, Bethesda, MD.

How can the actions of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) affect your business? What is on the commission’s agenda under a new Administration? Learn answers to these questions and more at “The Consumer Product Safety Commission from A to Z…and Beyond” conference sponsored by the Consumer Specialty Products Association on October 26 in Bethesda, Maryland. This full-day workshop will provide participants with a thorough understanding of the regulations administered by the CPSC and with an opportunity to meet commissioners and staff.

Since the passage of the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act in 2008, there are a number of regulatory requirements affecting the consumer specialty products industry. This program will cover dozens of issues including labeling requirements under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act and elements of the Poison Prevention Packaging Act. The conference will also feature industry experts discussing and providing updates on international consumer products regulations such as the Global Harmonized System of chemical classification. Anyone with regulatory responsibility should attend this information-packed event.

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