NAA Update: Multi-purpose Lubricant Report

Written on: February 21, 2017 by SprayTM

Attention to any Marketers or Formulators of Multi-Purpose Lubricants.


The California Air Resources Board (CARB)  has a requirement for all Marketers and Formulators of Multi-Purpose Lubricant products sold into California in 2016.

A detailed report on the progress of meeting the future effective VOC limit of 10% effective 12/31/2018 is required.  All the information to report can be found at

Please do not miss this opportunity to let CARB know how this limit will effect your product.  We need to tell CARB now if this has a negative effect.  The deadline is March 31, 2017.

This OPPORTUNITY does not happen often.

Thank you.

Doug Raymond

Raymond Regulatory Resources (3R), LLC
