Coster announces new CEO

Written on: March 8, 2017 by SprayTM

Coster announced the appointment  of Bernard Msellati as Group CEO. Msellati represents a very welcome comeback for Coster as he had been with the company for over 10 years until 2003. He left, being Sales Director at that time, in order to start his own entrepreneurial activity, investing first in perfumery pumps manufacturer Microspray Delta and founding later Chromavis, a third party manufacturer of colour cosmetics. Most recently, he was Senior Vice President in charge of commercial, procurement, innovation and make-up of Fareva Group.

Msellati, 53 years old, holds a degree in management from Bocconi University. He will coordinate all Coster Group activities. The appointment is part of the generational change plan initiated by the Coster Board and the Segatta family following the loss of Rolando Segatta in August 2015. It is the firm intention of the Board and the family to give continuity to Rolando Segatta’s work. They strongly believe that Bernard Msellati’s entrepreneurial spirit, strategic view, team-building skills and commercial focus is what Coster needs to grow further and continue succeeding.