Matias Levit named Condensa CEO

Written on: March 27, 2017 by SprayTM

Matias Levit has been appointed CEO of aluminum aerosol can manufacturer Condensa, headquartered in Arica, Chile. Levit has been with Condensa for eight years and his most recent positions included Sales Director and Director of Marketing.

            “I am very proud and honored to become CEO,” said Levit. “I will keeping putting all my energy and effort into maintaining Condensa’s well known value and also take our company to the next level.”

El Ministro de Economía, Fomento y Turismo, Luis Felipe Céspedes, expone los desafíos y medidas para dar un salto en productividad en el seminario “Productividad: El talón de Aquiles de la Economía”, organizado por Asexma.