EPA proposes aerosol can recycling system

March 9, 2018

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a system for handling hazardous waste of aerosol cans that encourages recycling. EPA estimates it will also save at least $3 million per year in regulatory costs. …

ECHA and animal testing

March 1, 2018

Regulatory utility of non-animal test methods for chemical safety assessments in the EU More than 100,000 people have signed an open letter to the European Commission and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) demanding an end to …

Regulatory Issues

SNAP Rule On Jan. 26, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia rejected an appeal by The Natural Resources Defense Council, Honeywell and Chemours on the Court’s original decision to overturn the U.S. …

Spray Packaging Corrosion Quiz — Part 1

Hello, everyone. This month I’m starting a six-question spray package corrosion quiz. A quiz? Hold on, don’t panic! There’s no grade and the quiz won’t be part of your next performance review—it’s merely intended to be …

Registration open for HCPA Prop 65 Webinar March 28 & April 4

February 27, 2018

Register here: https://member.thehcpa.org/Events/GuestRegistration/6279ec96-ed05-e811-8122-000d3a00e062 CALIFORNIA'S PROPOSITION 65 WEBINAR SERIES Register Today HCPA, Crowell & Moring, and Morrison & Foerster will present a two-part webinar series on California’s Proposition 65 and the impending changes to the Clear and Reasonable Warning requirements. The …

Registration is open for FEA Global Aerosol Events in October

February 23, 2018

Click link for full details of October 4–5 event: http://semicomedia.be/mailing/FEA2018/mailing.html    

Forbes features Starco Group contract filler

February 22, 2018

Article speaks of empires and entrepreneurs... https://www.forbes.com/sites/amyfeldman/2018/02/22/the-spray-can-king-how-a-turnaround-expert-is-piecing-together-an-aerosol-empire/#77d0ca075d6c

Spray Products Corp. takes ownership of former Valspar/Plasti-Kote plant

February 20, 2018

Spray Products Corp. has officially taken ownership of the former Valspar/Plasti-Kote 270,000-square-foot facility at 1000 Lake Road in Medina, OH. The building was the largest vacant facility in Medina and had been empty since 2016. Spray …

Petcore Europe launches plastics aerosol recycling group

February 15, 2018

Belgium-based PET value chain organization Petcore Europe has created the Plastic Aerosol Recycling Special Industry Group (SiG) in anticipation of an increased need to recycle higher amounts of plastics aerosol containers. The task force has been …

Children And Their Disposition – 3 Forms Of Temperaments

February 13, 2018

The essay shows minimum understanding of the job. The composing component comprises an article. Frequently, great pupils get an unhealthy composing score since they misinterpreted the article creating prompt. Do not write on your own …