What is localized corrosion?
Hello everyone. There are many ways that a spray package could fail (e.g., malodorous product, leaking or no longer sprays). However, the most likely mode of spray package failure is from localized corrosion. Localized corrosion …
The Color of Beauty
The ethnic personal care market is wide-reaching and ever-growing. Market research firm Packaged Facts estimates that U.S. retail sales of ethnic health and beauty care (EHBC) products grew to over $2.9 billion in 2011, up from $2.2 billion …
GHS finally arrives in U.S.- Part 3
New Hazards in Hazcom 2012: Pyrophoric Gases, Simple Asphyxiants, Combustible Dust and Hazards Not Otherwise Classified Although known as the “Globally Harmonized System” (GHS), the U.S. implementation of GHS (known as Hazcom 2012) contains four hazard …
Two Steps Closer to Harmonization
Two significant milestones toward global harmonization were reached recently. The U.S. Dept. of Transportation (DOT) has eliminated the Consumer Commodity, ORM-D-AIR marking as of Jan.1, 2013, and Transport Canada (TC) has published its proposed amendments …
The importance of using different storage temperatures for spray package stability testing.
Happy New Year everyone. Testing spray packages at several different storage temperatures is a common practice. The typical objectives for using different temperatures are to determine product stability and product-package compatibility for the range of temperatures …