The Aerosol Contract Filling Industry in China

July 1, 2012

In China, aerosol contract filling is a relatively new business that is being recognized and accepted gradually. For a better understanding of it, we need to review the history of the development of Chinese aerosol manufacturing. Aerosols have been made …


Global Aerosol Outlook The aerosol can industry has regained momentum after a slow year in 2009 and further progress is forecast, according to Euromonitor International’s report Metal Aerosols in Beauty & Home Care: Where Opportunities & Challenges Abound. However, exciting growth in developing regions is overshadowed …

GHS finally arrives in the U.S: Part 2

The new Hazcom 2012 rule brings significant changes to the classification, labeling and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for aerosol products. The criteria for whether or not an aerosol product is considered flammable has changed dramatically. The following are the new …

The role of chloride ions in spray package corrosion.

Hello everyone. One of the most persistent myths in corrosion is that chloride ions cause pitting corrosion for all metals and coated metals. The myth about chloride ions and corrosion most likely originated with the pitting corrosion behavior of some stainless steel alloys in sea water. …

The FiFis turn 40!

The 2012 FiFi Fragrance Awards—celebrating and honoring the art, passion and personalities of the fragrance world—took place in May at Alice Tully Hall in New York City. Over 800 guests attended and twenty-seven crystal FiFi awards were presented. The Fragrance …

FDA delays deadline for new U.S. sunscreen labels

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has delayed by six months rules on the marketing of sunscreen originally set to go into effect this summer, saying the extra time was needed to avoid supply shortages, according to Reuters. …

International News

A new 70-liter corrugated board box from SCA Packaging Germany makes the transport and disposal of empty aerosol cans from collection point to incinerator safer, with the risk of explosion reduced. Supplied by Krüger Behältersysteme, the box has …

On the Market

Spray Patterns

June 1, 2012

Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (KAB) announced the availability of its 2012 Graffiti Hurts Grant Program, designed to assist communities in augmenting their local graffiti prevention activities. With municipal government funding under increasing burdens, KAB hopes that the grant program will serve as a catalyst to …

People in the News

Robertet Fragrances announced the appointment of Jennifer Powderly as its new Marketing Director. She has more than 20 years of experience, previously working for Bath & Body Works, Elizabeth Arden, Guerlain and Avon Products, where she launched the FiFi awardwinning fragrance Little Black Dress. The Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA) announced the appointment of …