Crown sells European tinplate business

April 9, 2021

Crown Holdings, Inc. announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its European Tinplate business to KPS Capital Partners, LP.  Crown will receive pre-tax proceeds of approximately €1.9 billion ($2.26 billion) from the …

FEA Global Aerosol Awards nominations open

The European Aerosol Federation (FEA) announced its 2021 FEA Global Aerosol Awards are ready for submissions. For aerosols launched to market between July 2019–June 2021, there are seven categories for awards, including: Innovative Product Product …

Colep announces plans to split into two companies

April 8, 2021

Colep has announced its intention to split its businesses into two new entities—Colep Packaging and Colep Consumer Products—effective July 1, 2021. The RAR Group, the sole shareholder of Colep, will remain the 100% shareholder of …

Trivium Packaging boosts commitment to long-term climate change

April 6, 2021

To achieve the most ambitious aims of the Paris Climate Agreement—limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050—Trivium Packaging has pledged to set science-based targets to help reach these goals …

Inhalation Safety Assessment for Spray Products

One of the side effects of spending more time indoors during “COVID lockdowns” is that the issue of indoor air quality has risen to the top of the public agenda… In many parts of the world, …

ACC’s Chemical Activity Barometer shows a slight uptick in March

April 3, 2021

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) reported that its Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB) rose 1.2% in March on a three-month moving average basis following a 1.0% increase in February. On a year-over-year basis, the barometer rose …

Aerosol Survey extended until April 15: Participation requested

April 1, 2021

Responses are still being sought for the 2020 Aerosol Survey, please fill out by April 15. To participate, contact: The annual Aerosol Pressurized Products Survey reports on the unit production of aerosol products, valves and containers …

Formulated Solutions promotes Ray Bodamer to VP, Filling and Packaging

Ray Bodamer has been promoted to VP, Filling and Packaging Operations, at Formulated Solutions. Bodamer's focus will be optimizing the performance of the Formulated Solutions Filling and Packaging Value Stream which extends into commercial filling, packaging, …

A new approach to recycling more aerosol containers

            Over the last few decades, stakeholders have discussed the best way to increase recycling rates of aerosol containers. The aerosol industry rightly maintains that steel and aluminum containers have value within the recycling stream. There …

Regulatory Issues

CARB By the time you read this column, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will have voted to adopt the amendments to the volatile organic compound (VOC) Consumer Products Regulation. Industry has been working on this …