Pandemic leaves mark on aluminum aerosol can industry

May 1, 2020

AEROBAL Report Global pandemic leaves mark on aluminum aerosol can industry Packaging manufacturers are important part of system-relevant supply chain… The COVID-19 pandemic is leaving a trail of devastation in its wake in numerous branches of industry worldwide. …

Closing the aerosol loop

The world is changing the way it looks at waste. For example, China stopped importing waste from other countries. Europe is expanding its understanding of the Circular Economy to enhance its competitiveness and resource efficiency. …

Multiple variables cause spray package corrosion…

Hello, everyone. I hope this May 2020 edition of Corrosion Corner finds everyone safe and healthy. As we go to press, Pair O Docs was designated by the state of Wisconsin as an essential business, …

Regulatory Issues

CARB The California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff had two workgroup meetings planned for March 10 and March 19. The March 10 meeting was on Hair Care Products, Personal Fragrance Products (<20% Fragrance), Manual Aerosol Air Fresheners …

HCPA releases “HCPA Members Fight Against Coronavirus” video & Annual Report

April 30, 2020

The Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA) launched a video  to promote how HCPA members are helping fight COVID-19 on the frontlines. Watch the video here, HCPA also released it 2019-2020 (first quarter) Annual Report …

BAMA cancels Innovation Day due to Covid-19 safety concerns

April 29, 2020

The British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association’s (BAMA) annual Innovation Day, previously set for July 7, has been cancelled. BAMA will instead provide the day’s planned presentations via Innovation Webinars in the coming months. “It is with …

Precision’s new website and strategy, focused on YOU, goes live

Aerosol valve and dispenser maker Precision has revamped its corporate website and builds on the company’s new communication strategy established in the Fall of 2019. The website incorporates Precision’s new slogan, “It all starts with …

Ball recognizes five plants with greatest sustainability performance in 2019

Ball Corp. has awarded five of its aluminum packaging plants for significant operational and social sustainability improvements in 2019, such as safety, energy, water, waste, sustainability promotions and community engagement. The R. David Hoover Sustainability …

BAMA unveils COVID-19 informational section on website

April 27, 2020

The British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association (BAMA) has added a COVID-19 section to its website at: This new section aggregates all relevant government rule and guidelines, plus health and safety instructions on how to keep …

NAA offers inspirational posters for essential workers

April 24, 2020

The National Aerosol Association (NAA) has designed a series of workplace posters meant to thank and inspire essential workers in the aerosol industry. The posters are downloadable for all in the aerosol (or any) industry to …